Hello beauty!! Today I show you the PET SECRET DE MAYO monthly box. This time I searched all the prices of the box on the web so you can see if it has an account or not, what do you think hehe then at the end of this post you will see if it comes out profitable or not .... Here I teach my ugly that always has to be the first to see things. Come on Xandy smile I'm going to take a picture of you :-)...
Hello girls! As every month I come with a round of free samples, some of the last month are coming, toothpaste, snow, pack eucerin ... If your child has lice enter here http://www.pruebanitview.com/and They will send you a lice comb totally free. Get a micellar water for free! enter here http://www.aguamicelar.es/watch the video and at the end I will take you to the link to ask for it! Sample of t...
Hello girls! Today I want to tell you about a new fashion accessories store for women called Mucurundu. I have no idea why but to me that name is very much like Kukurumuchu, and the name of Mucurumundu is impossible for me to remember, I always end up remembering the other. Mucurundu is an online store where you can find the latest fashion trends for women in accessories and accessories, necklaces...
Hello girls! On May 15 where I live the festival of San Isidro is celebrated and everyone goes to the field to celebrate it, but of course I am special or rare as you want to call it I can not because I have a lot of allergy to pollen and I die !! So much so, but I have a hard time, so every year I go to different places. This year I went to the Alqueva reservoir of tourism that is in Alentejo (Po...