Easy manicure

Author: MelyssaPG, beauty and cosmetics blogger
Author: MelyssaPG, beauty and cosmetics blogger
Hello beauty!!! Now that we are with the operation bikini more than one we want to lose some kilo (I eat 2 or 3 as much) and what better way to do it than with enerzona. I explain what Enerzona is about: The diet of the Zone is a style of healthy eating that is characterized by achieving a correct hormonal balance. It proposes a balanced diet among all the nutrient groups. Its basic concept is the...
Hello, Beauties! Today I wanted to tell you about Madame Pleasure, (www.madamepleasure.com), a new online store of sensual and erotic articles for women and couples. Madame Pleasure was born to help you fantasize, dream, enjoy, innovate, seduce and make your wishes come true. Because if we add a spicy touch to life, it becomes much more fun! This online store puts at your disposal articles of all ...
Hello beauty!! Today I wanted to tell you about a new online cosmetics product from SANTAVERDE. Santaverde is a Spanish-German company. We grow their own Aloe Vera plants in their ecological plantation in Estepona (Málaga) and produce cosmetics and juices in Germany. They have created a page to offer information about the wonderful Aloe Vera plant, about its philosophy, its company and its product...
Hello girls! Today I show you my latest low cost purchases that I have made in Primark, Mercadona and in several Chinese bazaars. The first product has fallen into mercadona, is the anticelulítico cold gel effector, price 6 €. It's cheap and pretty good the bad thing is that I only use it on very hot days, because it's really cold. Base vitaminada 5 in 1 delipus cosmetic, I think it was 3 € price,...