Hello girls! Today touches manicures challenge, in this case the one that organizes aanyol.blogspot.com.es this week had to be inspired by this image: The truth that looks fatal and did not know very well what it was, so do not panic if you do not it looks like the one I have done, because it is very likely that this manicure does not look like anything. As always I have made an easy and simple manicure which are the ones I like. What do you think of this easy manicure? Author: MelyssaPG, blogger of beauty and cosmetics.

Easy manicure

Hello girls!
Today is the challenge of manicures, in this case the one that organizes aanyol.blogspot.com.es this week had to be inspired by this image:
The truth that looks terrible and did not know very well what it was, so do not be alarmed if it does not look like the one I have done, because it is very likely that this manicure does not look like anything.
As I've always done a easy manicure and simple that are the ones I like.
manicure witch
easy manicure
 simple manicure
What do you think? this easy manicure ?

Author: MelyssaPG, beauty and cosmetics blogger


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