Did you know the products of enerzona ?
Author: MelyssaPG, beauty and cosmetics blogger
Did you know the products of enerzona ?
Author: MelyssaPG, beauty and cosmetics blogger
Hello girls! Today I show you my latest low cost purchases that I have made in Primark, Mercadona and in several Chinese bazaars. The first product has fallen into mercadona, is the anticelulítico cold gel effector, price 6 €. It's cheap and pretty good the bad thing is that I only use it on very hot days, because it's really cold. Base vitaminada 5 in 1 delipus cosmetic, I think it was 3 € price,...
Hello beauty!! Today I wanted to tell you about Zorgan laboratories, specifically a cheap cosmetic product that you can get online, your facial tonic. What is Zorgan? ZORGAN is a pharmaceutical laboratory dedicated to cosmetics and the development of treatments for skin care. Its products are especially focused on the treatment of sensitive skin, although we have a range of products suitable for a...
Hello beauty!! Today I want to present you the personalized stickers of the page STIKETS. STIKETS is dedicated to the development and commercialization of multi-purpose and thermo-adhesive labels, the first ones are adhesive and you can put them on any smooth, clean and dry surface, resist dishwashers, you can put them in cups, umbrellas, plates, baby bottles ... They also have thermo-adhesive lab...
Hello, Beauties! Today as usual in this blog of beauty and cosmetics, I bring my opinion about a brand called the Chinata, which sells cosmetic and beauty products that are very famous on the Internet, but let's see if they really are worth it. What is chinata? The history of La Chinata begins in 1932, when they began to grind olives from the Sierra de Gata region. At that time the oil was obtaine...