Hello Beauties !!
Today I show you my low cost lipstick favorites, not many because I always use those I carry in my purse and for now I only carry these, which are ideal to get a very natural lip makeup .
Low Cost lipstick review;
This postmark was sent to me by the mask in shiseido , if you comment in the forum, things that are called camellias are filled out (They are like flowers).
For the first flower that I filled, they sent me a sample, with the second one a cream that was also very good and with the third profiler that for my surprise I liked a lot .
This other low cost lipstick is from green bottega and its price is 4.99 € but It was free for me because it was the gift that I had at that moment.
When you I taught you I said that I did not like the color, but of course it smells so good that it is impossible not to use it, nor is it so bad ... besides it turns out that it is almost the same color as the perfiler.
Your name by silo you want to search is the ROSSETTO, and although now you have to pay esbarato for 2.95 €.
Lipstick low cost catrice 210 its price was about 2-3 euros I do not remember exactly but it was very short, it is very creamy and lasts about 3 - 4 hours, sucolor I love the truth that is my favorite although the photos do not appreciate how beautiful it is. That's right, it's a color for summer, in winter not hit.
This other lipstick low cost is Claudia Rovelli , I have many things of this brand but I'm too lazy to talk about it on the blog because every time I say something about it come the merchants of This mark to make meSPAM in the comments.
And yosoy very vague to delete them and I do not say spam to leave an always address because to me that does not matter to me but it is that they are SPAM SPAM SPAM good said nocomentes if you are commercial of this brand.
Its price was € 1 superbaratito ... it is quite red although in the photos I do not know what happens that it is hardly veno is that it is no wonder but well it is not so bad it usually lasts 1 -2 hours but for that little price can be asked ... I can not tell you the number nothing because it does not come.
Avon's lipstick this is the chocolate kiss its price was € 4, although you know that prices vary a lot.
I really liked your heart shape that now has a little left in this way, it is not that I am very enthusiastic, I use it for some days of the day that I want to be discreet.
Its duration is about 3 hours or so and the lips are very creamy and pretty.
This is the valentine also from Avon. Its price is the same as the above 4 € since I bought the pack in promotion. Like the other is very discreet and I use it for the days of the day although this perhaps has a touch more color.
Elenvase like the previous one I love, it is very beautiful.
And this is not a low cost lipstick but it is a very economical brightness. It's from a bazarchinorri but it's pretty good. Vera is Spanish brand and suprecio is 1 euro.
The lips seem more bulky and while you have the brightness are more hydrated.
These are my low cost lipsticks for now, although of course there is always a new one that ends up coming in the bag.
And you, do you also use pintalabioslow cost ?
Author: Melyssa PG, beauty blogger.